Collaborative Housing and Innovative Practices in Care: An International Exchange. 6 June 2023, Barcelona
In early June we hosted a one-day event in Barcelona, focusing on European research, practice and lived experiences at the intersections of collaborative housing (CH), innovative care practices and ageing.
The varied format encouraged cross-learning across five countries and multiple sectors and addressed:
How collaborative housing models, including more ‘institutional’ ones with strong residential autonomy, offer care and supportive environments to ‘age in place’; How concepts and practices of care during the life course and ageing processes are infusing spaces of cohabitation; whose needs are met over time; how internal and public policies and designs (social, political, material) reflect this; key challenges and opportunities involved in developing and sustaining innovative collaborative housing with care models; how research, policy and practice may better reflect and respond to these realities.
You can find a detailed description of the day’s presentations and discussions here.
See full programme and information pack, with speaker and group summaries here.
A list of suggested bibliography related to the topic is also available here.
WATCH Part I: European research
CHIC Jim Hudson / University of Bristol / CHIC presentation
RAPSODIA Anne Labit / Orléans University / RAPSODIÂ presentation
Anne’s also written a blog post for the HousingLIN here.
MOVICOMA | CareNet Daniel López Gómez / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya/ Research Group CareNet | Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
WATCH Part II: European Research
CARE(4)HOUSING Joana Pestana Lages / DINÂMIA’CET | ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa / C4H presentation
CALICO An-Sofie Smetcoren / Vrije Universiteit Brussel/ Society and Ageing Research Lab / Care and Living in Community CALICO presentation
Sergio García García / Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Grupo de Investigación Antropología de las Políticas Sociales y Culturales (APSYC) / The three states of care in collaborative housing, presentation
WATCH Part III: CH practitioners (Part III begins at 1hr 16 mins)
Housing LIN / Jeremy Porteus / HousingLIN presentation
UK Cohousing Network / Owen Jarvis / UK Cohousing presentation
Mayte Sancho / @sancho_mayte
Sostre Civic / Yabel Pérez / Sostre Civic Senior Cohousing presentation
WATCH Part IV: Barcelona policy representatives
Ana Novoa Pardo / Public health technician, Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB)
Javier Burón Cuadrado / Gerente de Vivienda / Housing Manager Barcelona City Council
Ester Quintana Escarrà / Directora de Servicios Para la Vejez, Instituto de Servicios Sociales de Barcelona
Collaborative Housing Groups:
- New Ground Cohousing
- Can 70
- La Morada
- Residencial Santa Clara
- La Muralleta
- Walden XXI
- La Raval
- La Constel·lació