A list of publications from the CHIC project, and also related work by members of the team.
Cohousing and the role of intermediaries in later life transitions. Misa Izuhara, Karen West, Jim Hudson, Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia & Kath Scanlon (2024). Ageing & Society, 1–21. Available as an Open Access Paper: doi:10.1017/S0144686X24000497.
Sociable living in London for older people: four projects (Blog post). Kath Scanlon and Jim Hudson visited four schemes which caught our attention as being exceptionally well-designed (one was the winner of last year’s Stirling Prize for the UK’s best new building), or taking an innovative approach to housing provision in some other way. Page is here.
Alternative models of collaborative housing for seniors. Karen West and Jim Hudson, 2023. Chapter in the UK Cohousing Network’s publication, Housing Associations and Cohousing; How to create inclusive, affordable, collaborative neighbourhoods for older people. Available for download here: https://cohousing.org.uk/publications-and-research/ Or in our own site here: HA-Co-housing-guide_2
Toward a feminist housing commons? Conceptualising care-(as)-work in collaborative housing. Fernández Arrigoitia, M., Ferreri, M., Hudson, J., Scanlon, K., & West, K. (2023). Housing, Theory and Society, 1-19. Available as an Open Access paper: https://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2023.2247414
Collaborative housing communities through the COVID-19 pandemic: rethinking governance and mutuality. Misa Izuhara, Karen West, Jim Hudson, Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia & Kath Scanlon (2023), Housing Studies, 38(1): 65-83. Available as an Open Access paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02673037.2022.2077919
‘Those little connections’: Community-led housing and loneliness. Report for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. November 2021. By Kath Scanlon, Jim Hudson, Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia,
Mara Ferreri and Karen West, with Chihiro Udagawa. Available as a download from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/community-led-housing-and-loneliness
‘A Slow Build-Up of a History of Kindness’: Exploring the Potential of Community-Led Housing in Alleviating Loneliness. Hudson, J., Scanlon, K., Udagawa, C., Arrigoitia, M. F., Ferreri, M., & West, K. (2021). Sustainability, 13(20), 11323. Available as an Open Access paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/20/11323/htm
CollaborAGE: Co-production and community approaches – A Housing LIN directory of community-led and collaborative forms of housing and care.
Housing LIN Viewpoint 104: What collaborative housing offers in a pandemic: Evidence from 18 communities in England and Wales. Jim Hudson, with Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia, Mara ferreri, Misa Izuhara, Kath Scanlon and Karen West (2021). Available at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/What-collaborative-housing-offers-in-a-pandemic-Evidence-from-18-communities-in-England-and-Wales/
Interdependence, commitment, learning and love. The case of the United Kingdom’s first older women’s co-housing community. Fernández Arrigoitia, M., & West, K. (2020). Ageing and Society, 1-24. Download available here: https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/138367/
The wider benefits of cohousing: The case of Bridport. Jim Hudson, Kath Scanlon and Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia with Swaiba Saeed (2019). LSE London. Available at: https://www.lse.ac.uk/geography-and-environment/research/lse-london/documents/Reports/Bridport-cohousing-report.pdf
Age Friendly Housing. Julia Park, Jeremy Porteus (2019). RIBA Publishing.
Inheritance and family conflicts: exploring asset transfers shaping intergenerational relations. Izuhara, Misa, and Stephan Köppe (2019), in Families, Relationships and Societies 8.1 (2019): 53-72.
15:3, 209-221, DOI: 10.1080/17406315.2019.1690274
Housing LIN Viewpoint 89: Well-being and age in co-housing life: Thinking with and beyond design. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia, Karen West and Kath Scanlon (2018). Available at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/_assets/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Viewpoints/HLIN_Viewpoint_89_Wellbeing-CoHousing.pdf
Of flux or finality? On the process and dynamics of a co-housing group in formation, Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia and Kath Scanlon (2017), and Growing Old Together: Senior Cohousing as a Key to Successful Ageing in the City, Jim Hudson (2017). Both chapters in Self-Build Homes: Social Discourse, Experiences and Directions, edited by Michaela Benson and Iqbal Hamiduddin. London: UCL Press, 2017. Book available as free download: https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1xhr521
Collaborative design of senior co-housing: the case of Featherstone Lodge. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia with Kath Scanlon (2016), in Visions of residential futures: Housing in transformation, Ashgate, December, pp.103-128.
Cohousing: Shared Futures. Jarvis, H., Scanlon, K., M. Fernandez Arrigoitia (2016) Economic Social Research Council. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327573445_Co-housing_Shared_Futures
A sense of belonging: the case for more communal living in the UK. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia (2016) , The Guardian, 30 June.
Development of new cohousing: lessons from a London scheme for the over-50s. Scanlon, K. and Fernández Arrigoitia, M. (2015), Urban Research & Practice, 8(1): 106-12
Co-designing senior co-housing. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia (2015) in Urban Design, Issue 136 (Autumn).
Growing Older Together: the development and promotion of resident-led models of housing with care for older people. Housing LIN Practice Briefing by Jon Stevens and Jeremy Porteus (2015). https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Growing-Older-Together-the-development-and-promotion-of-resident-led-models-of-housing-with-care-for-older-people/
Islington Park Street: an alternative model for London. Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia (2015). Policy Report for UK CLT Network. Document here: Islington Park Street Community
Growing Older Together: The Case for Housing that is Shaped and Controlled by Older People. Housing LIN Case Study report by Jon Stevens (2013). https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Growing-Older-Together-The-Case-for-Housing-that-is-Shaped-and-Controlled-by-Older-People/